Headteachers Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are delighted to welcome you to the new school year and share some important updates and information about our school with you on our website.
Towards the end of the summer term discussions with Prospere Trust took place with the view to both parties formally collaborating throughout this academic year, and we are confident that this partnership will provide excellent leadership capacity and support the school.
This means that for the spring and summer terms, Camberwell Park will have an Acting Headteacher and an Acting Deputy Headteacher seconded from the Prospere Trust.
Louise Lynn from Piper Hill will be the acting head, and Andy Richardson-Rafey from Grange School will be acting deputy headteacher.
Our aim is to work in partnership with you and your family to provide the very best education and outcomes for your child. We will aim to ensure that through this partnership each child will achieve their potential and make outstanding progress.
Equality Information
Camberwell Park School is a fully inclusive school and welcomes people from all backgrounds. We believe that different cultures and life experiences bring vibrancy to school life and give all of us a rich experience that helps to create an environment where we can all learn from each other.
We take seriously our duties to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people of all backgrounds. This duty is set out in the Equality Act of 2010, which covers sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy or maternity.
Requests for paper copies
School policies can be viewed on this website. If you require further information, or would like to request a paper copy, please email the school office.
Information in different formats
If any information is required in a different format (braille, large print, alternative language etc) it can be provided on request to the school.
Prospective parent tour dates
The following dates are available for prospective parents to tour the school. Please note places are limited, for more information and to book a tour contact the office.
Monday 18th March 2024 - 10am - Fully booked
Monday 20th May 2024 - 10am - Fully booked
Monday 15th July 2024 - 10am - Fully booked