The Governing Body
Governors work with the school to ensure that our children can 'be the best they can be' through the education and care they receive.
Who are we?
The governors come from a range of backgrounds and have different skills (you can find out more about us here). We have two members of staff and two parents who are part of the Governing Body along with others who want to help to make a difference for our children. We are all volunteers.
We can only be effective as governors by being part of the amazing team at Camberwell Park – the headteacher, the senior leadership team, and the whole school team, including health, parents and carers.
Click here for Governing Body membership and Register of Interests
What do we do?
Our key roles are to …
- make sure that everyone, is clear about what the school is aiming to do and how we will do this together. We work with the school to shape the future together for our pupils, their families, and the community.
- work with the headteacher to ensure that all children do the best that they can,and that all the staff are supported and trained to work with them to the best of their ability
- make sure that the money we have is spent well, seeking value for money and ensuring that all resources are targeted to the areas that will best help our children achieve their full potential.
How do we do this?
To enable us to do this, we have two committees which meet each term, and all of us meet as a full Governing Body each half term. Members of staff report back to us on the plans for the school and how they are progressing. School governors are involved in a range of other important tasks, working with senior leaders to ensure we provide the best for our pupils. We are also involved, together with an external assessor, in setting objectives and assessing the performance of the Headteacher.
We also visit the school to meet with the leadership and staff, visit classes and attend school events. We also take part in interview panels for new staff.
Our Committees
Standards Committee: The Standards Committee has a range of regular items for discussion at each meeting which includes pupil achievement, behaviour and safety, pupil and staff attendance and curriculum development.
Finance and Resources Committee: The Finance Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the school provides value for money by monitoring budgetary allocation and control. The governors work with the school to ensure we meet the Schools Financial Value Standard.
Pay Committee: This committee meets once each year in order to scrutinise and make decisions in relation to performance related pay for teachers.
How are we doing?
We continue to meet half termly and work together to further develop our skills and experience as a governing body.
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2016 - 2017
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2017 - 2018
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2018 - 2019
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2019 - 2020
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2020 -2021
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2021 -2022
Click here to see governor meeting attendance record for 2022 - 2023