Home School Communication
School Home Communication
School communicates in many ways –
- ClassDojo – ClassDojo is a classroom communication app used to share information between the classroom staff and our families. It is a great way to share information, i.e class topics, upcoming trips ect as well being able to share photos of activities that happen during the school day. When reply slips are requested, it is most helpful if these can be returned to school as soon as possible.
- School website – Information can be found on the school website.
- Annual Review of an EHCP – Each child has an annual review meeting where their Educational Health and Care Plan is reviewed and evaluated. At this meeting all the professionals that are working with your child are invited and will discuss and evaluate the progress to date. What is working well for your child will be shared and what is not working well for your child will be addressed. For further information on Educational Health Care Plans please see the SEND information report section on the school website - Educational Health Care Plans.
- Parents’ Evening – these are held twice a year to give parents and carer’s the opportunity to discuss their child’s achievements and progress with Class Staff and to look at their child’s work to date. If parents and carer’s cannot get into school for parents afternoon/evenings, staff will try to offer an alternative appointment. Your child's Educational Health Care Plan and individual learning targets will also be discussed and evaluated.
- Newsletters – A Newsletter is uploaded onto the website every term, giving information, a summary of each class’s learning, and dates and notice of forthcoming events
- Medicals – each child has an annual medical with the School Doctor. Parents are informed of these in advance and are requested to attend promptly.
- Parents’ and Community room – this is situated in the reception area of each school building.
At Camberwell Park School we believe it is essential to seek the views of parents / carer’s and do this in a variety of ways including:
- annual questionnaire in the summer term
- asking parent / carer’s views regarding MLT twice each year
- discussion at annual reviews
- discussion at parents evenings
- responding to phone calls and messages
- other incidental issues as they occur
UN convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC)
All our work and advice links with;
Article 23-special care and support for the children with special needs
Article 28-The right to an education
Article 20-Education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to their fullest potential, as well as develop respect for parents, other members of human society, and the environment.