Admissions to Camberwell Park are managed by the Local Authority SEN casework team. The casework team manage all admissions into Camberwell Park, and they keep the school updated in regard to current waiting lists and priority places.
The contact number for Statutory Assessment Team is 161 245 7673
The email address is -
The address they can be contacted at is -
5th Floor, Education Health and Care Team, Children and Families Directorate,
Manchester City Council, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA
IAS Manchester is the new name for the Parent Partnership Service. IAS Manchester offers independent information, advice and support to parents and carers to increase their involvement in the education of their children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The service also ensures that parents, carers and young people have access to information and advice about issues relating to the child or young person's health and social care.
The contact number for the Information and Advice Support Team is 0161-245 7300
The email address is –
The address they can be contacted at is:
IAS Westwood Street Centre, Westwood Street, Moss Side, Manchester, M14 4PH
All children who attend Camberwell Park Specialist Support School are either waiting for a Educational Health Care Plan or already have a Educational Health Care Plan. Each child’s Educational Health care Plan is reviewed annually to ensure that the plan continues to reflect the child’s needs.
Children, parents/carers new to school will have an initial pre admission meeting prior to commencing school, to ascertain all relevant information in regard to their child. Any other professional staff such as Nursery staff, other primary school staff and health visitors may also be invited to share information and ensure a smooth transition from the current placement (if any) to Camberwell Park School. Our staff team visit the children at their current setting or home before they come to Camberwell Park.