Parent Partnership Policy
Parent Partnership Policy
At Camberwell Park School we recognise the importance and value of partnership with parents and carers. We value parental and carer involvement in the whole life of the school. Throughout this policy the term parent is used to refer to parents, guardians and carers. As a school we are committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between the school and home. We are Passionate about working alongside our families and their children and are creative in involving all of our families in school life, including regular half term informative parent workshops, class coffee mornings, and invites into regular school events to name a few.
We Respect the range of cultural backgrounds and faiths of our families, and we are Organised in ensuring that families are well informed in regard to pupil progress, events within school and are signposted to other outside events/activities and support.
We are Understanding of the needs of all our pupils and their families and we are Dedicated to working in partnership with our families and multi agency team to ensure the best support and opportunities are delivered. We are PROUD of the success of the collaborative work that takes place with all of our families and their children.
Rights Respecting School
Camberwell Park is a Rights Respecting School and as such supports the access of all children to the articles as outlined in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. With respect to this policy, the most relevant articles are: Articles 5, 7, 8,9,10, 14,16,18,19.20,25,27,30,37.
- To develop good informative consistent and regular communication with parents and carer’s and to fully inform our families about what is happening in school. For our families to actively engage in home to school communication via key worker, Class DoJo, face to face and via the telephone and email.
- To actively involve parents in the holistic education and progress of their child.
- To make good use of parents’ expertise and willingness to enhance their own learning and that of their child and other children, and to actively involve them in school life.
- To seek the views and opinions of parents in a range of areas and where possible and appropriate act upon these.
- To minimise safeguarding concerns for our children through the development of trust and collaborative working with all of our families.
- To challenge parents when necessary to ensure the best outcomes for our children e.g. with regards to poor attendance.
Home school contract
To ensure clarity with regard to the roles and responsibilities of the school, of parents and of the children, a home-school contract has been established which is discussed and agreed at the time of the child’s admission into school. Where necessary, the home-school contract can be revisited at any time with parents. A copy of the home-school contract is attached (see appendix 1)
Key worker role
In order to effectively build relationships with families, each child in school has a designated key worker and a set of minimum standards has been established for the key worker role (see appendix 2) The role of the Key Worker is to support our families in a variety of ways. This may be signposting to other services and activities, supporting families in completing the ‘All about my family’ section of the ECH plan, by offering support in regards to behaviour management at home or by ensuring ongoing good communication between home and school.
Support for our families including Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
The school has two Mental Health First Aiders. Camberwell Park has a school counsellor 2 days per week who works with a targeted cohort of pupils to support their emotional health and wellbeing.
Click here for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy.
To develop good communication and fully inform parents about what is happening in school we will:
- Use class DoJo regularly to communicate with our families and for them to see and be part of their child’s education.
- Send home letters from classes to tell parents key information about what is happening in their child’s class.
- Each class to hold a family morning once a term to share and enjoy an activity with parent’s
- Phone families if needed on a regular basis to ensure regular school –home contact.
- Display key information on the school website and around school.
- Ensure the website is up to date with relevant school and class information including whole school events such as Parent and Carer workshops
- Use School Comms to keep parent informed and remind parents of key events e.g. start and end of term and upcoming whole/individual class school events.
To actively support and involve parents in the education and progress of their child we will:
- Hold parent’s evenings twice a year – Autumn and Summer term.
- Hold an Annual Review Meeting each academic year and proactively embrace and support each families ‘ all about my family’ views strengths and concerns. The key worker is available for families that would like support in completing this booklet.
- Send Annual Reports for all children at the end of the academic year sharing progress and celebrating individual children’s own achievements
- Share and agree My Learning Targets with parents and proactively seek family views via the ‘ all about my family booklet’ which is shared at the annual review meeting.
- Share resources that are used in school to ensure consistency within the home, and support pupil learning and progress.
- Continue to share educational information via Class DoJo so families can see what their child is doing and learning in school. For families to share what their child is doing at home.
- Offer workshops for our families. The workshops are planned around parents needs and include - Understanding your child’s sensory needs, Growing and changing together and a Sleep clinic to name a few.
To make good use of parents’ expertise and willingness to enhance their own learning and that of their child and other children, and to actively involve them in school life, we will encourage parents to:
- Complete your child’s ‘ all about my family booklet’ and actively attend, on time, and fully participate in your child’s Education and Health Care Plan review meeting.
- Attend assemblies such as Harvest assembly / Easter / Eid / Christmas Concerts.
- Attend school performances, events and celebrations such as Summer and Christmas fairs/concerts/class coffee mornings
- Become involved in school projects.
- Participate in family and adult learning events organised by the school.
- Use opportunities to have informal discussions with staff members
- Become parent governors
- Use Class DoJo regularly as the main communication
- Be in regular contact with the designated key worker to ensure consistent communication both ways and to ensure all/important information about the child and the family is passed from home to school
To establish the views and opinions of parents and act upon these we will:
- Positively support and seek family views in regard to each child’s Education and Health Care Plan and incorporate them into My Learning Targets.
- Through the review of the Education and Health Care Plan, identify and proactively support ‘ what is going/not going well’
- To signpost and engage other multi agency teams where appropriate.
- Hold an annual parent and carer summer questionnaire survey and inform parents of the results and consequent actions
- Ask parents to evaluate key events in school, such as giving feedback from workshops to further develop and extend the service
- Seek parental consultation on key issues in school
Parent and Carer code of conduct policy.
We have developed a Code of Conduct Policy to ensure that all of our visitors are respectful and considerate of the pupils and staff including multi agency workers and each other. We positively welcome all parents carers and visitors into our school. We recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, class teachers and the whole wider school community. As partners, our parents and carers understand the importance of a good working relationship with school, to ensure their child makes the best possible progress.
Open door policy
Camberwell Park operates an open door policy and welcomes parents into school. If parents would like to speak to a member of staff, it is encouraged to make a prior appointment; however, if they do arrive at school unannounced, they will be asked to wait and a member of administration staff will see if the member of staff they wish to speak to is available.